Friday, October 12, 2012

Challenge 90

I found a new pen that I like! I'm so excited about this. I'm a college kid and I don't want to spend a lot of money on the micron pens. I already had a similar pen so I have been using that one. I got a couple of sharpie pens yesterday at walmart for like $1.50. They are great for coloring things in and I really like the lines they draw. So for someone who wants a different kind of effect you can totally go for that.

I had fun with this challenge. I've tried using strings before and I just never liked them much. This zennie shows a little of my country flair. It came out better than I expected it would. I got a few more ideas while creating this one so I made two instead of just one.

So this is my first challenge #90 response.

This is number my second response. I am pretty impressed by this one. 


  1. Love this tile! It is so great to experiment with different pens/paper, etc. I especially like the mobius sort of feel to your borders--very cool.

    1. Thank you! It grows on me the more I look at it. The border looks to me like it opened a portal into another world or something. It gives a good effect.

  2. Your challenge string is the same as we all have made it your own with your line work and creative pen! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Very cool second tile, and interesting ribbon-like pattern on that first one. And I agree with the price of pens. Work with whatever you can get your hands on,as long as you work! Good imagination in both of these.

  4. I love the tangles you used on the second one! I'm making a point to use them the next time :)

    1. Aww thank you! That's a big compliment to me :)

  5. I like both but think I am a little partial to the second.

  6. Both are very beautiful. I love your choise of tangles in the first one.
