About Me

Hello! I am Courtney. I recently "rediscovered" tangling, and in this process I found several blogs about zentangles. I learned quite a bit, and I would like to share my journey with everyone so I created a blog of my own. Zennies is a term I can up with myself so that I didn't have to say or type "zentangles" on everything and I thought it was cute.  This blog is going to be mainly about the zennies I do, but I will include updates on big happenings at home or in my life. I am very new to blogging and I am still learning and working out the kinks so if you have any comments or corrections please let me know. 

I am a 20 year old Agricultural Science and Technology major with an Education Certification, in layman's terms an Ag Education major. I attend Texas A&M University-Commerce "Go Lions!" I am coming up on my last semester, in which I will be doing my student teaching, so you will all get to go through that with me as well. 

I am a huge country girl and I love cows. I showed cattle in high school and I still raise and show a few. Don't be surprised if I give updates on my babies, they are like a part of my family. In addition to the cows I actually do have a human family. I live on a ranch in small town Texas with my parents, who have been married for 22 years now, go Mom and Dad. I have two siblings commonly called my kids, Robby and Joleigh, they are both about to turn eight. They are not twins, they are one month apart. How does that work you ask? Well JoJo is actually my cousin, but because of personal family reasons she was added to our household about a year and a half ago. My boyfriend, Scott aka "Benji", also lives with us. He is wonderful and I love him more than the world itself. Then there is Kay, she is my bestest friend in the whole world. I have known her forever it seems, but I guess its only been about eight years. I got her hooked on zennies too, and she will have a big part in this blog as well. We are all huge goobers and I will be the first to admit it. I have a pretty crazy life, but I love it and I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

My kids. They actually look like they love each other!

My Man :) Love him

My KayBelle <3

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